K-2nd Code of Conduct


The Offices of Catholic Schools, Faith Formation and Youth Ministry provide opportunities for young people from all over the Diocese of Owensboro to encounter and follow Jesus Christ, building a community of faith that empowers them to go forth as missionary disciples. With these goals in mind, we have certain expectations of the children, youth, and adults who participate. Young people participating in the Church’s youth activities are under the care of supervisory adults, who are responsible for knowing and following diocesan policy.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to explain this Code of Conduct to their child.
1. I will obey school/parish rules and respect the adults who watch over me.
2. I will be kind and say nice things to others.
3. I will keep my hands to myself except when helping others.
4. I will take turns and include others.
5. I will not hurt or say I’m going to hurt another person or myself.
6. I will tell an adult in charge when someone is being hurt or there is an emergency.
7. I will respect other people’s things. I will not take anything which belongs to others without permission. If something is broken, I will tell one of the adults who watches over me.
8. I will be a good listener and not interrupt.
9. I will only use cell phones or other electronic devices if one of the adults watching over me says it is allowed.
10. The Diocese has in place a Search & Seizure Policy (available on request and on diocesan website).

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