Grade 3-5 Code of Conduct

Form D-2: Gr. 3-5 Youth Code of Conduct (Rev. 5/2019)


The Offices of Catholic Schools, Faith Formation and Youth Ministry provide opportunities for young people from all over the Diocese of Owensboro to encounter and follow Jesus Christ, building a community of faith that empowers them to go forth as missionary disciples. With these goals in mind, we have certain expectations of the children, youth, and adults who participate. Young people participating in the Church’s youth activities are under the care of supervisory adults, who are responsible for knowing and following diocesan policy.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to explain this Code of Conduct to their child.
1. I will follow the instructions of my adult supervisors to the best of my ability.
2. I will follow established rules of my school/parish and take responsibility for my own actions.
3. I will respect the rights of all. I will treat everyone with respect, courtesy, dignity, and patience. I will treat everyone kindly and not try to hurt them by my words or actions. I will speak truthfully and not tell lies or say hurtful things to anybody or about anybody.
4. I will act in a way that promotes a good reputation for my school/parish/family and me. This includes wearing clothing appropriate to the activity (e.g. modesty, logos, etc).
5. I will take only what is given to me and not take anything which belongs to others without permission.
6. I will take care of my body. I will avoid posing any health risk to others (i.e. fevers or other contagious situations).
7. I will treat property with care. If something is damaged, I will tell a supervisory adult.
8. I will only use cell phones or other electronic devices if a supervisory adult gives permission and if it is for a good purpose.
9. I will not possess/use/purchase tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, inappropriate videos, inappropriate reading materials, or other inappropriate objects.
10. I will not possess, use, or threaten to use any object to injure another person or myself (e.g. knives/sharp objects, guns, weapons). The Diocese has in place a Search & Seizure Policy (available on request and on diocesan website).
11. If I become aware of any violation of this Code of Conduct by another person, it is my responsibility to notify my supervising adult as soon as possible.

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