St. Jerome Parish has its own lending library located in the church. It is aptly named as St. Jerome Library as St. Jerome is the patron saint of librarians. As the Church moves into the season of Lent, make a commitment to update or grow in an area of your faith by taking advantage of the excellent resoures available to you. If you cannot find a resource that you are intersted in, please give your suggestion to a member of the parish staff. It is our intention to keep adding resources that meet the needs o four church family. Checking out any of the resources is simple. There is a sign out sheet attached to a clip board for you to write your name, the date of the loan and the name of the resource. The loan period runs 4-6 weeks. You may return your item directly to the library.
Recently added to the St. Jerome Library:
In God’s Hands: Living Through Illness with Faith by Maureen Cummings
Throughout this book, author Maureen Cummings, a cancer survivor and mother of six, guides patients and their families through the life-changing experience of serious illness. Sharing practical ideas from her own story, how to pray, be grateful, prepare for what’s coming good or bad with the help of your faith. She encourages a person to find joy, thankfulness, and redemption, and grow closer to God by placing their illness in God’s loving hands.
When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner.
When Harold Kushner’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease he was faced with one of life’s most difficult questions. Why God? He writes with a straightforward contemplation of the doubts and fears that arise when tragedy strikes. This book is a classic that offers clear thinking and consolation in time of sorrow.
Building Better Families by Matthew Kelly.
The book and tapes are both available in our Media Center . All parents share the same awesome responsibility—to bring out the best in their children. Kelly shares his experiences from growing up in a loving family and the insights gleaned through this experience. This is an easy to read, heartwarming and practical guide to raising children.