5K Run

St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic 5K Run

Can you survive the HILL? 


Click here for Past St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic 5K Results


Check out this YouTube Vlog from our new record holding runner!

Race day registration begins at 5:30PM near the Start/Finish line. The race begins at 7PM with the awards ceremony immediately following the race.

Note: Walkers and strollers are welcome in our race. However, please be aware that we have a large number of competitive runners so we ask that you line up in the back of the pack at the start. Also, we can't guarantee that you will receive an official time if you finish slower than 45 minutes. 

Reminder: Hwy 339 North of Fancy Farm will be closed from 5:45 until nearly 7PM due to the St. Jerome One Mile Classic that utilizes that stretch of road. You will have to come in to Fancy Farm via Hwy 80 either from Mayfield or Carlisle County if 339 is your normal route into Fancy Farm.

Directions: The registration and Start/Finish line is located directly across from the Post Office.

Click HERE for race timing results over the years.

Please email if you have any issues with timing. 

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