All are Welcome

We're so happy you're here

Mass Times

Whether you are a newcomer, a visitor, or a long-time parishioner, we warmly welcome you to join us for Mass. Feel free to attend any of our Masses and be sure to greet us when you do!

Weekday Masses

Tuesday | 8:00am

Wednesday | 6:00pm

Thursday | 8:00am

Friday | 8:00am

Weekend Masses

Saturday | 5:00pm

Sunday | 8:00am, 10:30am


Saturday | 3:30pm

Other | By Appointment

Prayer Times

Sunday | 4:30pm Rosary in the Grotto


We are delighted to have you visit with us here at St. Jerome Catholic Church. We hope your visit with us has been a happy and faith-filled experience.


The 40-day period from Ash Wednesday (March 5th) and before Easter Sunday. It is marked by prayer, fasting, abstinence, and other acts of penance.

Lent ends on Holy Thursday, April 17th. This is because the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday ushers in the special period known as the Sacred Triduum. The Triduum is not considered a part of Lent.

Lenten Fish Fry

Fridays of Lent - 4:30pm - 6:30pm

Knights of Columbus at St. Jerome Parish Hall - March 28, April 4, 11

Our Mission

We are a rural community of Catholic Christians, made up of lay people, priests, and sisters.

This calls us to live in our world as Christ lived.

We live this out by letting the Beatitudes guide our daily lives,
   *by developing a strong sacramental life
   *by committing ourselves to evangelization, both within our community (through education on all levels)   
   *and beyond it
   *by fostering concern for one another
   *by committing ourselves to social justice
   *by being good stewards of God's gifts to us.

Get to know Saint Jerome

New to the area or just visiting?

We would be thrilled to welcome you to our church community! Join us for a Mass to experience the warmth of our congregation and learn about our parish and activities. If interested, you can easily register through the link below. We look forward to getting to know you!

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